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Loose space - regain space - maintain space.
Premature exfoliation or extraction of baby tooth can lead to space loss when adjacent tooth moves forwards. As a result of space loss,...

Dr Changjie Guo
Mar 3, 2020

Fissure sealants and enamel hypoplasia.
Enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of teeth. Enamel hypoplasia is a defect of the enamel that occurs while teeth are developing....

Dr Changjie Guo
Oct 29, 2019

Do baby teeth need nerve treatment?
The short answer is YES. When decay reaches the nerve of a baby tooth, the tooth needs to be treated with a nerve treatment (pulp...

Dr Changjie Guo
Jul 24, 2019

Stop the thumb or finger sucking habit.
Sucking on fingers or thumbs is healthy and normal in infants. Babies and toddlers stop sucking their thumb by themselves and most...

Dr Changjie Guo
Jul 17, 2019

Band and loop space maintainer.
Why some children need space maintainers? When children lose baby teeth earlier than expected for some reasons like decay or injury, a...

Dr Changjie Guo
Jun 22, 2019

Baby teeth matter
Baby teeth are very important to your child’s health and development. Help kids chew, speak and smile. Hold space in the jaws for...

Dr Changjie Guo
Dec 15, 2018

Maxillary Labial Frenectomy
A frenum is the attachment between the gum and some moving soft tissue part of the mouth - typically the tongue (lingual frenum) or the...

Dr Changjie Guo
Jun 8, 2018

Dental care for baby teeth.
We all know baby teeth will be replaced by adult teeth eventually but healthy baby teeth will allow children to eat a nutritious diet,...
Dr Changjie Guo
Mar 12, 2018

Baby Teeth Matter.
Many people think baby teeth don’t matter because they will eventually fall out. But the truth is baby teeth are very important to a...
Dr Changjie Guo
Feb 19, 2018

Regain the space!
Early loss of baby teeth due to decays will allow adjacent teeth move into the empty space. When adult teeth come through, the reduced...
Dr Changjie Guo
Aug 25, 2016

Space maintainers help “hold space” for permanent teeth.
Baby teeth are important to the development of the teeth, jaw bones and muscles and help to guide permanent teeth into position. If a...
Dr Changjie Guo
Mar 10, 2016

Restore primary teeth with stainless steel crowns.
Primary molar was restored by stainless steel crown after pulpotomy to re-establish normal chewing function and to continue to hold the...
Dr Changjie Guo
Dec 15, 2015

Fissure sealants
Fissure sealants are coatings applied to teeth that are at risk of decay. The coating prevents tooth decay by stopping food and bacteria...
Dr Changjie Guo
Jul 22, 2015
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