Dr Changjie GuoJul 30, 2017Wisdom teeth extraction - Is it a wise decision?Wisdom teeth extraction was requested by patient's orthodontist. The two lower wisdom teeth were fully impacted and couldn't be seen in...
Dr Changjie GuoJun 30, 2017What a cute wisdom tooth!This wisdom tooth had a very curved root with root tips like hooks. The extraction was performed very carefully to avoid root fracture....
Dr Changjie GuoJun 23, 2017Amalgam foreign body removed in jaw bone.This x-ray showed something unexpected when we were planning dental implants. An amalgam foreign body was detected on 3D cone-beam CT....
Dr Changjie GuoMar 31, 2017Wisdom tooth extraction.This horizontally impacted wisdom tooth caused pericoronitis, which involved gum infection, inflammation and pain. The tooth was...
Dr Changjie GuoJan 23, 2017A wisdom tooth has got wiser.After extraction, this wisdom tooth showed a small extra root in between two major roots. But there was no root canal inside, which could...
Dr Changjie GuoNov 12, 2016All the hard work paid off - in a wrong way!Dental abrasion is the loss of tooth structure due to mechanical force by a foreign element. The most common source of this wearing is...
Dr Changjie GuoAug 9, 2016It's wise to have wisdom teeth checked.Impacted wisdom teeth may cause pain, decays, gum inflammation and front teeth crowding. But sometimes wisdom teeth can cause serious...
Dr Changjie GuoJun 16, 2016An Extra ToothSupernumerary teeth or hyperdontia are defined as those in addition to the normal series of deciduous or permanent dentition. They may...
Dr Changjie GuoMay 27, 2016Wisdom tooth removalThis grossly decayed and impacted wisdom tooth caused a lot of pain. The curved root made the extraction more difficult. It was removed...