Crooked teeth fixed by braces
Orthodontic treatment is still the most conservative and effective way to fix crooked teeth, even though veneers can be an option as a...
Crooked teeth fixed by braces
Loose space - regain space - maintain space.
Fix the crooked teeth and close the gaps.
How to fix a crossbite?
Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth.
Stop the thumb or finger sucking habit.
Surgical exposure of two impacted teeth.
Fix the crooked teeth.
Braces to fix unilateral crossbite with functional shift.
Thumb Sucking and Finger Sucking Habit.
Orthodontic treatment - braces.
Braces - Give you straight teeth and a confident smile!
How RPE works.
RPE - Rapid Palatal Expander
No more crooked teeth!
Crooked teeth fixed by braces.
Braces to fix anterior crossbite.
Temporary anchorage devices - TADs
Clear Orthodontic Aligners
Regain the space!