The patient came in complaining of "loose implant denture". He had "All-On-4" done in Thailand less than a year ago. Since then, the denture keeps getting loose. He went back to Thailand and had it fixed twice, but it didn't last long until it became loose again.
On examination, we found a lower four implant supported fixed bridge with two exposed implants involving peri-implantitis and bone loss. The ill-fitting bridge has two broken screws. Luckily we could remove the broken screws without damaging dental implants' internal threads. These two exposed implants have poor prognosis.
To have expensive dental work done overseas for a cheap price seems getting more and more popular. But we've seen this kind of disasters more and more often too. Sometimes with more serious complications, it does not only cost more financially but also causes serious health issues.
Dental tourism, be wise, be safe.